
Kelowna Caring Canines

Kelowna Caring Canines is always looking for dedicated and caring volunteers with their friendly well behaved dogs to visit various medical facilities, educational institutions, and for the Kelowna Airport Ambassadog Program. 

We are looking for dedicated volunteers and their dogs to visit these facilities regularly and be able to regularly participate in our many events and fundraisers.

We thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with ♥Kelowna Caring Canines.

Please note: We are currently taking applications for our Fall Screenings so applications are now being accepted for our program.

To volunteer you will need to send us an email to receive the Application Form. Please visit our contact page to send an inquiry. 

For more information on our application process please visit our FAQ page

Our Membership Chair will get in touch with you to send you the required form along with information about visiting policies, and the list of dog breeds that are not acceptable under our insurance. Once you have been approved and assigned to an evaluation, you will be sent a required Health Form to be filled out by your vet.

Completed forms will need to be mailed to us:

Kelowna Caring Canines Society,
Suite #506 101-1856 Dilworth Drive
Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9T1

Caring Canine Screening for volunteers

A Kelowna Caring Canines evaluation looks carefully at the dogs:

Dog and Handler Evaluations for Kelowna Caring Canines are held several times a year, depending on the number of applicants. Click here for FAQS

Dogs and their handlers are carefully evaluated before they can be accepted. 

Kelowna Caring Canines Dog and Handler Evaluations are conducted by our experienced volunteers in a Kelowna veterinary facility with a veterinarian present.

The following criteria apply to all our volunteers:

Visiting dogs must be 2 years old or more, or turning 2 within 30 days of their assigned screening. 

Dogs must have a current dog license.

Be trained in basic obedience, and have a relatively calm nature.

We are sorry, but dogs that are fed a raw food diet are not eligible to apply for membership as per Interior Health Guidelines. For more information; https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbc-files/role-pets-human-disease

Certain dogs breeds and dogs that are a mix of certain breeds are not covered by our insurance and therefore they are not eligible to participate in our program. 

Cleanliness is a priority. Proper grooming, along with trimmed nails, clean teeth and ears etc. is always required for your visiting dog.

Dogs must be fully vaccinated at the time of your evaluation.

Dogs must only wear a regular collar and regular leash while visiting. 

Certain facilities may not let you visit until you have completed a criminal record check with the facility. Some facilities will require you to obtain an annual flu shot prior to each flu season.

Volunteers without dogs are also welcome as members our Society. There are a variety of administration and promotional events that we welcome volunteers for.

Before being accepted for an Evaluation, your dog must be checked by your veterinarian, our Annual Health Form must be filled out, signed by your Vet, and submitted prior to the Evaluation date.

Volunteers must be kind and caring, and be available to visit on a regular basis and commit to the facilty that they visit. As well we expect you to volunteer for any of the many events as they are posted. 

To maintain your membership in Kelowna Caring Canines you are required to:

Pay your membership fee of 30.00 by December 31 of each calendar year.

Have your visiting dog seen by your Vet for an annual health exam. 

You must complete and submit the Annual Health Form annually.

Commit to volunteer on a regular basis.